Archive for February, 2011

Poll on room set up

First of all i downloaded 32 bit desktop and server ubuntu images to install in the virtual machine. the link is

This will act as a client and server.

Then we set up a LAMP server which consists of Linux,Apache,MySQL and PHP. This is where the word lamp comes from.
We then had to install  our own version of WordPress on our machines and really had to think about what to do when things didnt go our way..


Some commands used were:

apt-get update

apt-get upgrade  –servershow-upgraded


nano var/www/info.php




save and exit


/etc/init.d/apache2 restart

http://localhost (ip address)/info.php

apt-get install phpmyadmin

apt-get install wordpress

ls /usr/share

mv /usr/share/wordpress  /var/www

mysql -u root –p

 *create database and user

nano /var/www/wordpress/wp-config-sample.php


Change database_name_here to wordpress.

Save ...../var/www/wordpress/wp-config.php.


This video might help....

last week we had an interesting class learning how to work wordpress. this was intersting to me as i like that kinda idea of no paper and just electronic submission.



some commands today


apt-get install ethtool

ethtool eth0

ifup etho

ifdown eth0


must sort out my electives this week


just got a cool new skin haha

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